The Crystal Ball Effect

The Crystal Ball Effect


I was reminded by Facebook that three years ago this week my dear friend and I attended a Peter Gabriel concert at the Hollywood Bowl. I have a love/hate relationship with that feature on Facebook, but that is fodder for another story.

When I saw the photo of the group of us I was stunned. Had it really been three years?

I looked closely at her face in the picture. She is beautiful in a patrician Grace Kelly kind of way, blonde, cool and collected. But I could see the numbness behind her eyes, and I remembered the fear in those days. It was palpable.

She had been diagnosed with cancer just a week or so before if my memory serves me, and this concert was an early birthday—cheer-up—everything’s going to be okay, present.

I started to get transported back; to the days of chemo, radiation, watching her lose her beautiful long, blonde hair. Back to the day she shaved half of her head and sent us the photo just prior to going full-blown bald. Man, we all cried…until, fuck, wouldn’t you just know it, she had the most gorgeous scalp and perfectly shaped head imaginable! She wore the wigs until the stubble grew in at which point we begged her to dye it platinum and own it. Why the hell not?

She looked like a fucking runway model. I kid you not.
People who hadn’t seen her in a while and were in the dark about her diagnosis fell over themselves marveling at her beauty. I literally saw a guy fall over his own feet staring at her.

Once she found out she wasn’t going to die, the fear subsided. She started to glow from the inside out and not from the radiation.  She glowed because she wasn’t marinating in fear anymore.

Fear is a serial killer. Remember that.

Fast forward three years: Don’t you EVER grow your hair out! we all begged—and she hasn’t.
She rocks that short white hair like a 90’s Annie Lennox, something she would have NEVER done prior to the cancer.

She has been transformed in so many ways they are too numerous to count. It’s no exaggeration to say that pretty much everything is different about her than the woman in the picture—not only different—it’s better.

 I think she walks taller in the world. She waged a battle and beat a pretty nasty foe and she’s got the scars and the swagger to prove it.

She’s a hell of a lot more authentic. She’s becoming more and more who she really is—even occasionally flying her freak-flag—Above is a picture of her this year at Burning Man, a warrior Goddess, who fulfilled a lifelong dream and in the process realized she had found her tribe.

Courage is her middle name now, not Ann or Penelope or whatever it was. I think she should legally change it.

When you go through something like that you can’t help but grow up. She’s a grown-up now.

And a magician.
When she was diagnosed she had been unemployed for a while, broke, with no prospects on the horizon.
I’ve watched her these past three years manifest perfect health, money, a great job—and then a dream job. I just met her for lunch and she’s probably the happiest I’ve ever seen her. Her eyes are bright and wise—her face—serene.

That’s the thing about life you guys. If we only had a crystal ball during the shitstorms that could show us the future—our future.

That not only does everything work out, it works out better than we could have ever imagined!

I’ve always told myself,(because we all know I don’t reside in the real world too much), that after a particularly difficult time—the Universe rewards me. It showers me with magic. I’ve seen it happen over and over again and now I’m seeing it with my sweet, courageous friend.

So let this be your crystal ball. Hang on. Have faith. Be brave. Magic is on the way. I promise.

Carry on,

  • Reny Salamon says:

    What an inspiration. Your friend is such a reminder that with every breath, unconditional love exists.

  • Kimberly says:

    I love this story on so many levels! Congrats to your friend. It’s always my belief that the strongest plants in the crop have pushed through the deepest layer of shit. Continue to grow upward ladies!

    • jbertolus says:

      Thanks Kimberly! I love that belief of yours — I’m gonna have to get the t-shirt or embroider that on a pillow!

  • dominator says:

    As an old retired Catholic, I’m reminded of the seven heavenly virtues:
    Courage, Faith, Hope, Justice, Love (charity), Prudence and Temperance.
    (I had to look them up as I could only remember six out of seven. Missed Prudence… of course!)
    Anyway, the point is that if we had a crystal ball, I believe none of these virtues would exist and we would be so much the poorer. It’s the combination of the energy from all seven and not knowing the outcome that gives meaning to life.
    So tell your virtuous friend: “Bravo and rock on!”

    • jbertolus says:

      That’s a great point Dominator. We are changed by adversity, that’s for sure! Digging deep, Phoenix from the ashes and all that.
      I suppose the crystal ball effect is just an exercise in hope—sometimes it’s all you’ve got! Thanks!

  • Nancy says:

    Love this. A friend of mine is currently in her last days battling cancer and it occurred to me yesterday that what pulled her under was the fear. So glad your friend managed to come through stronger than ever. I like your belief that the Universe showers you with magic after a particularly difficult time. Think I’ll steal that one for myself. Much love!

    • jbertolus says:

      So sorry about your friend Nancy—that fucking fear!
      Yes! Steal that belief! I’ve seen it work over and over again. Hey, what not? It’s better than the alternative—You believe in magic, I know you do!

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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