
Soft Landing


Today is the day of landing into the energy
that started to come in December 2012.
So we suggest you set the intention for a 
soft landing.

By that we mean, 
get quiet and give this some thought.
These were big influxes of energy,
like waves, and many of you were knocked off your feet, 
and have been swimming as hard as you can,
just trying to keep your head above water.

Well, to stay with the wave analogy,
after today’s wave,
the tide is settling,
it is still deep and active,
with a big full moon,
but it has churned up your life enough,
and now starts to recede.

And with conscious intention, 
you can swim with very little effort,
back to shore,
or let the wave carry you back,
and deposit you.

Intend your soft landing.
Take into account all the changes that have
happened in your life in the last 8 months.
Bless them, for they are like the influx of fresh water 
that flushes out a stagnant pool.

All that matters now, today,
is that you give careful deliberation
in the energy of all this change, 
of where you want to land.

We would suggest you hit the ground running!
A little banged up, but none the worse for wear,
full of new ideas,
grabbing the hands of the others coming to shore.
Ready for this next adventure, 
because it can truly be whatever you 
dream it to be!

Weekend Wisdom

Weekend Wisdom

Don’t forget to feed your soul!

Confusion Is Confusing


You may be feeling confused,
but really you are not.

That feeling comes when you question where you stand,
as if something about it is wrong.

Listening to your head, your intellect, can lead you astray.
Listening with your heart will always set you straight.

When you feel confused, the universe, your navigation system,
is letting you know you have gone off course.

You know those maps you all look at on your phones while driving?
Ha! that is a lecture for another day!
Anyway, you all do it.
It has your destination as a red dot,
and where you stand currently as a pulsing blue dot.

Now you know how you feel when you’ve driven
past or around the red dot destination?
And you, the blue dot, keep moving away from where you want to be?
You feel a little confused.
Did you make a right turn when you should have gone left?

That feeling of confusion is just what happens when you
get off course.
It usually happens when you over-think the directions,
and doubt the validity of where you are.
All that is needed is a little course correction
and you’re back on your way.

You were never really lost,
nothing was ever really wrong,
and you can thank confusion
for getting your attention 
and guiding you back to your path.


Love this opening

Blind Ambition

Do You know why they have that saying
“Blind Ambition”?
Because in their desire to achieve,
some people have blinders on to everything
and everyONE around them.

This has been the casualty of many of the great minds and leaders
throughout history, and your present day is no different.
In their run up the ladder of success,
In their desire to succeed,
In their drive to be more and have more,
they lost their humanity.

It is really so easy to be kind.
To see the needs and wants of those around you.
It takes great effort to lock away your emotions,
to become literally blind and deaf to what is really going on around you.

They may insulate themselves in their ivory towers, but
in their hearts they know the truth,
so it takes great energy and effort
for their soul to remain so callous to the plight of others.

Luckily this is changing.
The energy is such, that many of the new souls
that come in with a dream for success are tempered
with heart, with human kindness.

We’re not saying that blind ambition will perish from the Earth all together.
There will always be those that strive to succeed with blinders on.
But what will start to happen, is that no one will want to work for them.
No ones self-esteem will be so low that they will tolerate
being demoralized.

So these people will reach some level of success, but not the great heights
of the past,
and certainly not public service.

Those in public service are going to start to be held accountable,
and they will be reminded who they work for,
so their ambition will develop great sight!

Success at the expense of others,
it won’t work, their ideas will never get off the ground.
So blind ambition, success,at ANY cost,
will become a thing of the past.

Tell the Truth

Tell the Truth

” I Love this one”!

Serenity Inside Chaos


Living fearfully, is a bad habit.
You have a tendency to find the chaos inside even the 
most lovely and serene moments.

You walk thru your life with a dark, heavy coat of worry
on your shoulders.
It has a hood that obstructs your view,
which worries you even more, because your mind is left
to fill in the blanks…
and that is NEVER good

You worry, because you want to stay vigilant, prepared.
You think this keeps you ahead in the game,
when quite the opposite is true.
We are guiding you out of that pattern,
because that is all it is, 
a pattern that you have become accustomed to.

The outside world seems to have adopted this same pattern,
and appears very chaotic, which keeps you off balance,
which starts the worry cycle, which begets more
chaos…..and there go! down the rabbit hole!

So you say, “I want to change that”!
and we are here to help.
But…it is going to take some mental elbow grease,
so to speak, at first, to break that pattern.

You have to shift the energy inside, 
which you all know is the start of every change.
You know that because you have read all the blogs,
and are really really, really ready! 🙂

You lift your energy by sitting still and appreciating 
any serenity.
Appreciate your breath,
appreciate your heart beating, keeping you alive,
appreciate the fact that you can choose a new path,
appreciate all the tools and wisdom that you have at your disposal,
look for anything that feels calm, serene.

Appreciation and gratitude for WHERE YOU STAND
will start to raise your energy,
and the chaos and worry coat 
will fall off your back.

We know, you want a more involved solution,
but we’re telling you, 
it really is that simple.
Change your pattern of worry and chaos
by practicing appreciation for even the smallest 
pieces of peace and serenity you can find,
and live full moments inside that oasis.

When you do this, they will start to multiply
they will start to get your attention,
Let them
that is where your new path will lead
To serenity inside the chaos

A Whisper to a Scream


Have you noticed how your life will get your attention?
Your soul, the higher part of you that is still connected to Universal
energy, knows what you want.
It knows all your hearts desires.

The part of you that is here on Earth, living and breathing,
sometimes you can get in the way of these plans.
Even if every cell in your being wants to zig…
you will zag
and feel awful!

That is when your soul, tries to get your attention.
It’s mission is to redirect you back to your desired path.

It will start with a whisper.
Thoughts or conversations that gently uncover
your true feelings, and sometimes,
that is all that is needed to set you straight.

Sometimes you get so far off the path,
that the tug on your sleeve gets even more urgent.
A job change, or move of location, even the end of 
a relationship.
Those events can take you and actually turn you around,
back in the direction of your hearts desire, 
IF you are able to stay out of anger and resistance.

But, if you fail to get introspective, to stop and listen 
to your inner most voice,
That is when it may turn to a scream.
Something that REALLY gets your attention!
You get fired
You get very ill,
Your house burns down,
You get the picture.

The scream is so loud and so life altering, 
that you have no choice but to stop moving and just listen.
Take stock of where you are and what you REALLY want.

That was the job you gave to your higher self that stayed behind.
“When I loose my way, get my attention, and set me back on my path”

So now that that is clear, 
which will it be?
A whisper?
or a scream?

In The End

In The End

The Quiet Before The Storm


Although there is a lot going on beneath the surface,
it feels pretty quiet out there.
Things feel suspended in space.
Not many things are breaking thru…yet.

You could call this the quiet before the storm,
but that would probably make you nervous,
because you barely hear “quiet”,
all you hear is “storm”.
Don’t worry!

True, after observing the weather patterns lately, 
We could understand your concern.
We are not talking about a meteorological event,
but rather an energetic one.

There is going to be a large energy influx next month
and now is the time to set your intentions,
your hopes and dreams for what you would like to see transpire.

What has been log jammed so to speak in your lives lately?
Is there an agreement or contract that needs signing?
A move? Either geographically or laterally that needs deciding?
Are there people in your lives waiting to make their transition?
Destiny’s waiting to be fulfilled?

This is the quiet time, the time to be still,
the best time to reinforce what you desire.

You know how storms come thru and stir things up?
even make some magic with their thunder and lightening?
And you know the freshness that is left when they depart?
How clean and clear everything feels?
Even the colors seem more vibrant after everything gets bathed 
in the rain and dried by the wind.

After this next energy influx, 
your lives will feel very much the same.
Much cleaner and clearer.

So there is nothing to fear,
sometimes things just need to be pushed along,
and moved forward.
So now you can view the “quiet before the storm” differently.
Now it will represent to you a time of deliberate set up
before the “storm” of renewal 🙂

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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