full moon

Soft Landing ~ Straight From The Archives

Hello Tribe,
Sometimes I like to poke around in the archives to see if there’s anything in there worth re-posting. This showed up today when I put the word “December” in the search window.

I was intrigued to see it again since it had neither December in the title nor was it posted in December. Naturally, when that happens, when something with the title Soft Landing shows up unsolicited, I’m curious af!

This was back when I was writing the first thing in the morning. It was a kind of stream of consciousness thing.

Well, low and behold, it seems just as relevant today as it did back in August of 2013—maybe even more so with the full super-moon in Gemini, the state of the world, and the feeling that many of us have had for the last, oh, I don’t know…YEAR—that the sky is falling.

This has such a hopeful tone, doesn’t it? And landing softly sounds good to me right now, how ’bout you?

I believe that the right things, info, or signs will show up when you need them the most. I needed this. 

Carry on,


Today is the day of landing into the energy
that started to come in December 2012.
So we suggest you set the intention for a
soft landing.

By that we mean,
get quiet and give this some thought.
These were big influxes of energy,
like waves, and many of you were knocked off your feet,
and have been swimming as hard as you can,
just trying to keep your head above water.

Well, to stay with the wave analogy,
after today’s wave,
the tide is settling,
it is still deep and active,
with a big full moon,
but it has churned up your life enou.gh,
and now starts to recede.

And with conscious intention,
you can swim with very little effort
back to shore,
or let the wave carry you back,
and deposit you.

Intend your soft landing.
Take into account all the changes that have
happened in your life in the last 8 months.
Bless them, for they are like the influx of fresh water
that flushes out a stagnant pool.

All that matters now, today,
is that you give careful deliberation
in the energy of all this change,
of where you want to land.

We would suggest you hit the ground running!
A little banged up, but none the worse for wear,
full of new ideas,
grabbing the hands of the others coming to shore.
Ready for this next adventure,
because it can truly be whatever you
dream it to be!

Combining Head and Heart and Astrology Forecast August 9-15


*Stepping out of the shadows; no more lies; no more hiding; no more cloak and dagger. Time for the fresh air of truth to come sweeping in and cleaning out the cobwebs so we can just get the hell on with our lives!
Am I right?
I’m turning over every rock right now you guys,(check out The Observer’s Voice Facebook page for an essay about the 888 energy from yesterday), to make some sense of the last couple of weeks.

Many of you have been commenting, emailing and texting me all of your what the fuck’s? and I’m right there with ya baby, in the thick of it too!
So…A lot of this resonated, some didn’t, but that’s okay, you know the drill: Take what feels right and disregard the rest.

Hang in there guys, we’re rounding the bases, headed for home.
Sending lots of love, hugs, and slaps on the ass your way,

Combining Head and Heart and Astrology Forecast August 9-15

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We are working our way through an important turning point in our lives. This past week, since Saturn went Direct on August 2, has brought us to a shift in our consciousness and life. For some this may be rather subtle energetically, but for others it is much more obvious.(um, yeah!)

Perhaps something has come to light that you were not fully aware of before; or perhaps an event happened that turned your thinking; perhaps someone else has revealed something about themselves or you that you were not fully aware before. Maybe a light switch went on in your mind or heart that shows you the way to go now.

This turning point time period will give way to a sense of new beginnings after the New Moon in Leo on Friday August 14. That New Moon will be at 10:53 AM EDT.

The lunar cycle begun at this New Moon in Leo will lead to a very important lunar cycle that will begin at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Virgo on September 13. The Solar Eclipse will be followed by a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries on September 27. That is called by some a Blood Moon as it is the 4th Lunar Eclipse in row that is a Total Lunar Eclipse, a rare occurrence.

And all 4 of these Total Lunar Eclipses happen on sacred Jewish dates.

And this turning point we are moving through now- included Saturn going Direct while making close aspect to Jupiter, Venus and Mercury- all right at Israel’s natal Mars placement.

So something is really stirring around Israel. And this last week during this turning point time, much has been happening with the Iranian nuclear deal, a deal that is passionately opposed by Israel.

One of Israel’s top officials commented this past week that Israel is considering bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities regardless of this deal that was struck with UN countries.

That would likely touch off a major Middle East and perhaps world conflict.

Iraq, Libya, and Syria are suffering largely because of foreign invasions or influences, and the Islamic State is strongly influential now in those and other countries in the Middle East.

And President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is also being challenged by hawkish elements in the USA Congress, in Iran, in Israel and other countries.

Look for more clues, signs and synchronicities this week to tell you what may be coming to the Middle East and elsewhere during the upcoming Eclipse Season.

And this is also true for your own life. The turning point time period will shift into Drive Gear at the New Moon in Leo on August 14. But before Friday keep in mind we are in the last quarter phase of the Moon’s cycle.

So this week before the New Moon in Leo, we will be picking up the emotional pieces from the last few weeks, processing our experiences, and getting ourselves ready for renewed action and greater intensity. Do your best to not let energies of depression control you before this New Moon, but nevertheless allow your soul to come down into its truth even if that truth will tend to “bring you down”.

We have been getting more into our heart and its wisdom and connections during these last few weeks. With a New Moon in Leo and Mars going into Leo on Saturday August 8, there is still going to be a strong focus on heart and creative energies.

What makes your heart sing, what and whom is your heart into, how much can you open your heart to express the authentic being that you are by nature? How much can you improve your self-expression and self esteem-enough to put the controlling ego in the back seat of your life?

But along with this heart emphasis we will be integrating the earthy mental vibes of Virgo. Mercury went from Leo to Virgo this last Friday August 7 and Jupiter will enter Virgo (where it will stay for about a year) this Tuesday August 11.

Virgo is the sign after Leo, and as such it tends to humble the Lion’s big roar of pride. Virgo can also bring some shame to the bravado of Leo, its self focus and its big-hearted honesty. Sometimes big-hearted honesty can hurt others like when a little child passes an overweight person and says “look mommy at that fat man”. Honest and innocent but not aware of its effect on others.

So be ready as we begin to get more Virgo influence of needing to combine more your head with your heart. Your head is your heart’s important advisor and needs to be consulted on important matters. And with Mercury ruling the head of mind and communication, its loves to be in Virgo.

Virgo analyzes, finds “what’s wrong with this picture”?, and generally brings one down into the details of cold reality.

So watch for “reality” to begin to come more into play now, and for a greater need to fix or heal what has been broken or injured.

Jupiter in Virgo will make expansive energies be more grounded in practical and logical ways. Inspiration will need to combine with needs to manifest, not just fly into new ideas that are never earthed.

There will need to be more order to one’s aspirations and dreams.

This may sound like a “downer” to some free spirits. But if you want your spirit to serve your purposes for being here on this Earth at this important time, then you will get some help over the next year to make that more real.

Keep in mind also this week that Venus is still Retrograde and will be until September 6. At this turning point time period, there will tend to be new insights and light shone on important relationships and their patterns and habits.

As you move through this New Moon in Leo, you will be driving your life car forward even if you do not completely know what has recently shifted in your important relationships. Since the turning point is passing, this New Moon will be bringing you forward into a more certain relationship destiny, even if much still needs to be revealed to your conscious mind.

Till next week,


Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full-time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.


Mentos and Coke — A Weekend Of Release


This has been a week, and not one that I will look back on fondly.
Not to get all doom and gloomy on ya, but last week sucked. Big time.

There were so many things thwarted, such despicable levels of mis-communication,
so. many. clusterfucks. that I suspect they were being trucked in from the mouth of hell.
And I don’t even believe in hell!

Undiagnosable illnesses, lab results………………………………………………pending.
Crazy unexplainable accidents and money missing. Gone!
Appointments missed with no explanation and traffic for no reason. At seven-thirty in the morning; noon; three-fifteen; and midnight.
Traffic! For no good reason!

Texts gone bad.
I want to write a book someday on the dangers of texting.
DO NOT TEXT IMPORTANT SHIT. Pick up the phone and make the two-minute call. I can’t garner the nuance, your tone of voice or your sarcasm, FROM A TEXT!
No emoticon is sufficient.
Just so you know, everything you texted made you sound like a douche last week.

As much as I tried to OMMMM my way above the fray, I got dragged down into it where it bloodied my nose and ruined my favorite shoes.

At three o’clock on Friday morning I found myself violently ill. (It’s not what you’re thinking.)
There I lay, alternating between sweating and chills, nausea and diarrhea, lunacy and sanity. I actually watched myself from a much more comfortable vantage point somewhere outside my body, Lamaze breathing my way through wave after wave of energy the strength of which I’ve seldom felt before. (See, I told you.)

Full Moon” were the only two words I was able to croak to my husband who was in the midst of his own dark energy, awefulizing, 3 a.m. marathon. It wasn’t that the energy was actually dark. It just felt relentless and oppressive as it built all week (Who am I kidding? It was all month and most likely all year), and the release looked a lot like a Mento wafer in a bottle of Coke.

It felt like the mother of all detoxes. Because it was you guys!
It was that kind of Blue Moon. Purging, letting go of the past and all of its pent-up anger, frustration, resentment, fear, lack of sleep and just the general angst and malaise that’s been building up.

Oh shit, I thought, I just wrote about this. You can’t run clear water through gucked up pipes.
You want to be a clear channel for clarity, creativity, intuition, inspiration, ideas, luck, fun and love—you’ve gotta clean out the pipes occasionally.

Fuck. Sometimes I hate being right. I make ME mad.

As I sat on the bathroom floor the next morning still in the throes of it all, waiting to see if my body could actually produce more vomit, I began to see the pattern, or I became delusional, your call. I can admit to getting philosophical with no sleep on bathroom floors.

Oh…I’m finally getting how this works now. Clean the pipes (literally). One step (day) backward, before I lunge forward. Get rid of the accumulated gunk, so the energy can flow clearer and faster.


I had a brief glimmer of insight, which, for a moment had me feeling better and then I was back to hurling. So much for knowing what’s going on—you still have to get through it.

Eventually it passed, just like it always does, and I was able to salvage the remainder of my Friday, and fit into my skinny jeans (yeah).

When I mentioned what happened to a couple of my friends, they told me that they too had been clearing up their gunk. Not necessarily in the same way as I had, but effective for them just the same, and we all agreed to chalk this week up as a sucking vortex of everything that could go wrong. In other words—a Universal shitastrophe.

One of them admitted to coming home feeling like a jacked-up pressure cooker; so he buried his face in a pillow and banchee-screamed—something he hasn’t done in decades. He was so hoarse afterwards he had a hard time speaking. But he felt much better.

Oh, that’s good. I like that. I’m gonna steal that one.

I’d be curious to know, what’s your process?

I for one, after all my…purging, feel cleaner (duh) clearer and lighter and I’m looking forward with great anticipation to the lunge forward. How about you?

Carry on,

Full Moon In Sagittarius: Rock & Roll Into New Beginnings

“The full moon is a time to rock and roll, to push boundaries, to dive headfirst into the embers, the surf, the divine.” ~ Author Unknown

*I took this article by Kate Rose from the Elephant Journal—
It is full of juicy bits and good news. A MUST READ!
Trust me, I’m not a doctor.

The full moon in Sagittarius on June 2nd is a reminder that it’s okay if our life currently looks nothing like we thought it would—even compared to how it looked just a few months ago.

Know that all the pieces haven’t fallen together (yet), and though we’ve made some important decisions in the past few months, we have to make just one more: the choice to make a magical new beginning.

We have been through the ringer lately with the astrology of the past few months! Ever since those Pluto Uranus squares took the last hits at our old small lives back in March and shot it all to hell, we’ve been on the fast track to finding our authentic selves.

If we have done the work that we needed to, we are at the point now where everything that no longer was serving our highest self has finally been cleared away.

Only once the old is cleared away can the new begin to grow.

2015 truly is a transition year. Right now we are halfway to the amazing life we will all have by the time we ring in 2016. This year is not about unknown change or beginnings that come from nowhere. This is about seeing what was there all along but we just weren’t ready to until now. This is the final year since 2012 that will remake our lives in new and exciting ways.

We truly are dawning into the Age of Aquarius, and as a whole we are all being challenged to live our truths every single day.

New beginnings are scary, and they are supposed to be! If we weren’t scared, then it wouldn’t be able to provide us with greatness. But, we are ready too. It’s been a long time coming, and even though the possibility of new jobs, new living arrangements, or even new relationships may have us skip a beat at times, know that the universe won’t bring us anything that we’re not ready for.

Sagittarius is the sign of optimism, vitality, and good intentions. Anything started during this time period will be supported by the good fortune of this sign. This full moon is occurring right in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde.

Many people still think that to have a retrograde means the need to hide underneath our covers for three weeks, but this simply isn’t the case.

A retrograde is really just a slowing down of the planet, so we are asked to slow down as well. We are asked to feel instead of think, to follow our hearts—wherever it may lead us. In this case, Sagittarius is there letting us know we are on the right track.

It’s giving us a quiet, optimistic burst of confidence to move forward.

One month ago we had a full moon in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of death and endings. It is only fitting that one full lunar cycle later we are blessed with the chance for magical new beginnings. Because of the retrograde, and Venus being so active in our skies right now, we may be significantly drawn to pursue romantic love—particularly those from our past as Mercury dares us to seek out the one that got away.

Mercury and this full moon are asking us, “What if the one that got away came back?”

For the next few weeks you may find yourself inexplicably drawn to an old flame—go with it.

This full moon is only encouraging us to do what is in our hearts already, and though starting new things isn’t recommended during a retrograde—getting together with an old love from our past is.

This time it’s all about reviewing what we missed the first (or second) time.

We are being fully supported right now by this full moon to lead our lives with truth and passion.

We are being asked to not hold ourselves back, but to listen to the individual sound of our heart and follow it. When the moon is in Sagittarius we all are being inspired to embrace our free spirit and our desire for freedom. During this time following the rules may become difficult, especially for those with a great deal rigidity in their daily lives.

It’s as if we are being asked to embrace our wildness, and to lead our lives as authentically and honestly as we can.

This full moon will be driving us outside in the warm June air as well. Sagittarius loves all sorts of outdoor pursuits, and this is the perfect time for it. Nighttime bonfires, camping trips, or last-minute road trips are all possible right now, since this moon is helping us to seize all of the amazing opportunities that may be coming our way.

The full moon in Sagittarius is giving us the confidence to say “yes” to everything in our lives. We are being asked to take a chance, and make that new beginning. We are being asked to not let a moment pass by in this wonderful life, but to seize each and every opportunity for happiness and adventure.

We are being asked to follow our hearts and fall into great love.

We are being asked to take all the lessons we’ve learned in the past few years, and start something new.

We are being given the chance to make a new beginning, because honestly—there is no time like now to go after what we want.

About the author:
Kate Rose



Kate Rose is an artist, free-thinker, lover, writer, passionate yogi, teacher, mother, rule breaker and rebel. She can usually be found walking barefoot in the moonlight between worlds with the dreams of stars still hanging in her hair while swaying her hips to the music of life; smelling of sweet bourbon and honeysuckle. She lives for adventure and wakes each morning with the excitement of a new day waiting to unfold at her feet. She truly believes the best is yet to come and waits, with bated breath, to see what it may hold. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and find more of her words on her website.

Full Moon Dreaming

Full Moon Dreaming

“All people dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the morning to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people, for they dream their dreams with open eyes, and make them come true.”
– D.H. Lawrence

Man! I don’t know about you, but I’m a dreaming machine!
Seems every night I’m having these epic, vivid dreams that make my waking life pale by comparison!
I blame that giant full moon energy,
Or the Chinese food.

Last night, I was piloting an ATV (all terrain vehicle) 
through some kind of wild ass desert obstacle course….brilliantly I might add, 
and fast! 
Really,really fast!
I want to say recklessly fast…but it wasn’t.

If you know me, that kind of speed doesn’t surprise you at all,
I love to go fast!
There I was, cautiously confident, (is that possible)?
Careening through the desert on an ATV wickedly fast,
something I’ve never done in real life!
(God bless the guy who’d give ME the keys to an ATV, dream or no dream)!

Even though the course seemed impossibly treacherous, I was making
all the hairpin turns and steep hills easily…just at breakneck speed!
Isn’t that an analogy for what’s going on right now?
Some days seem impossibly treacherous to navigate,
Some people do too! Ha!
yet we do, and each situation just speeds by,
Each day just a blurry memory.

Also, in this dream, the course kept changing! 
I’d look up ahead for a sec, 
get lots of bugs in my teeth, cause I’m grinning like an idiot,
see a pretty clear path, 
and then it would change before I got there,
to something ridiculously twisty, or steep, or filled with rocks.
Completely unexpected!
Just like Life…right?!

We all seem to be navigating things, even though we can’t for the life of us
see where we’re going, or what comes next.
It’s just too fast and furious to take it all in,
This wild and wooly full moon energy.
But we’re making things happen,
We’re making our dreams come true.

I personally love that I was getting outdoors and having all that exercise…
cause it ain’t happening here in the real world,
on account of the fact that it’s the holidays and
I’m consuming copious amounts of Toll House Cookies.
I’m optimistic that dream activities burn extra calories…right?

Can’t wait to see where I go and what I do tonight,
In the dusty recesses of my mind 😉

Please share your adventures.
Xox Janet 

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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